Women who rock

1:27 PM

Months ago, Marianne surprised me by granting this:

Needless to say, I am most honored. And I will pass it along to 5 other Rockin' Girl Bloggers (or women, if you prefer). So, without further ado:

  1. LauraJ -- While I am certain that you are above all the accolades and praise I could bestow, I'd just like everyone else to know how much you rock. And that you're a huge part of the reason I'm not currently in jail for killing someone. Yet. You also taught me how to spin, for which I am eternally grateful and The Beloved is perhaps not so much. His loss.
  2. Maria -- Applying to grad school sucks. But I just know you're handling it with style, grace and aplomb. Life as a gaijin can also suck. But you're handling that magnificently as well. Add to that wedding planning across thousands of miles? Can there be any doubt how much you rock?
  3. KelInCal -- Not only do you have the cutest dog in the world, but your knitting is fabulous. And you have the uncanny ability to distract me from whatever project I may have at hand.
  4. M -- Reading, knitting, third place in Dishrag Tag, a big guy, a little guy, and a new guy (or gal) on the way! Haven't heard as much from you lately (understandable, but still sad), but you rock as much as ever.
  5. Libby -- You know, I realized the other day that I have now known you more of my life than I haven't known you. How weird is that? Only 8 months, 1 week and 5 days (or something like that) 'till graduation, then... who knows? No matter what the future may hold, I know that you and your Dear D, Devil Dog and the cats are all up for the challenge!
Ladies, you all most certainly rock. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And keep writing, knitting, cooking, and doing all of the excellent things that you do!

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